Flights of the Condor


Best Times
Date Distance Time Pace
Event Bonus?
1/5/2014 5 km 0:21:36 6:58 BRATS Frozen 5K
11/26/2011 8 km 0:37:37 7:34 Drumstix Dash
12/1/2012 5 mi 0:36:52 7:22 Broad Run Trail 5M
5/12/2012 10 km 0:46:48 7:32 Manassas Runway 10K Video!
6/1/2013 15 km 1:18:36 8:27 Springfield 15K
3/3/2013 10 mi 1:18:43 7:52 Reston 10 miler
8/18/2013 20 km 1:49:51 8:52 Leesburg 20K
4/7/2013 Half marathon 1:44:56 8:01 Run for the Animals
9/15/2013 20 mi 3:19:31 9:59 Revenge of the Penguins
3/17/2013 Marathon 3:57:04 9:03 Tobacco Road Marathon
11/9/2013 50 km 5:38:08 10:53 Rosaryville Veterans Day 50k
10/20/2013 50 mi 10:56:20 13:07 Tussey mOUnTaiNBACK
Date Distance Event Location
10/22/2016 10 km Greasy-Gooney 10k Browntown VA
11/05/2016 Half marathon Battlefield Half Marathon Winchester VA
12/11/2016 Half marathon Holiday Half Annandale VA
03/18/2017 Marathon Instant Classic Chesterfield VA
04/07/2017 50 mi. Bull Run Run Clifton VA
09/16/2017 50+ km. Barkley Fall Classic Wartburg TN

2 thoughts on “Flights of the Condor

  1. Are you nuts?!!?!
    You plan on fast growing an extra pair of legs/new knees/and new hips?
    Are you going to have a body left after all that running?
    You are definitely energetic.

    So I guess you’ve been training for a while?
    Good luck tomorrow.

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