March-Ray: Let’s just sign up for this…
Now-Ray: Umm, wait, what? I’m seriously not ready to run another marathon. I haven’t really been training, my right hip is still bothering me a little, and my foot is bruised.
March-Ray: Again with the excuses? Sack up, bro.
Now-Ray: But…
March-Ray: You’ve known since March you were going to have to run this race.
June-Ray: Ooooh, this looks awesome! Check out those views.
Now-Ray: Dude, no! That’s the day after the marathon!
June-Ray: It’s not even a race; it’ll totally be easy.
Now-Ray: You’re not the one who has to ride 100km one day after running 26.2 miles.
March-Ray: Sierra Tango Bravo Yankee, dude.
June-Ray: Ha ha.
Now-Ray: Jerks.
My only quarrel is with March-Ray, who made this sound like a good idea at the time.
March-Ray is so smug.
I just saw the conversation with two selves. What the heck? Are you feeling alright?